
How to draw x wing
How to draw x wing

* Luke Skywalker C - PS 8, effectively has a permanent defensive focus token for only one die. Probably one of the funniest pilots to use, though, especially if you insist that "I can hold it" every time you roll for his ability. Would be much better if it weren't for the fact that the damage bypasses his own shields. * Jek Porkins RT - PS 7, can cancel stress, with a 3-in-8 chance of damaging himself each time he does. Typical Rebel support ability that isn't very impressive alone, but can be fun in a list built to take advantage of it. * Garven Dreis W1 - PS 6, lets you give your focus to an ally after using it. He's fallen in popularity, but he can still surprise an opponent who doesn't know how to deal with having his targeting choices made for him. His ability to draw attacks away from your other ships is huge, especially if you build and fly your list around keeping him alive-but-in-range while the rest of your squad goes more offensive. * Biggs Darklighter C - PS 5, one of the best X-Wing pilots and once upon a time one of the top pilots in the game. With R2-D6 to get the slot for Push The Limit, Hobbie could Focus+TL every round and then clear the stress, but other pilots do the same type of strategy better (Keyan Farlander, for example). * Hobbie Klivian RT - PS 5, has an interesting anti-stress mechanism, but suffers from lacking an EPT. Red Squadron Pilot C,W1,RT - PS 4, same basic problems as the Rookie Combo with R7 Astromech (can spend Target Locks to reroll your opponent's attack dice) for a weirdly powerful defense.

how to draw x wing

* Tarn Mison RT - PS 3, one of the only pilots in the game that actually benefits from low PS and shooting near the end of the round.

how to draw x wing

Supplanted as a list filler by the cheaper A-Wing and Z-95.

how to draw x wing

Rookie Pilot C,W1,RT - PS 2, not a bad ship exactly, but for a point more you can have the more efficient B-Wing. C indicates released in Core Set, W1 = wave 1, RT = Rebel Transport) Default upgrade options: Torpedo, Astromech.Maneuver options: 15 total, with 4 greens and 1 red (k-turn).Stat line: 3 Attack, 2 Agility, 3 Hull, 2 Shields.Releases: Core Set, Wave 1, Rebel Transport.Analysis Statsĭial, stats, and pilot cards reference link About the ship in the Star Wars Universe goes here.

How to draw x wing